Improved Economics
Bio-based Polymers Improve Economics
Regardless of the product you are manufacturing, keeping your operating costs down is the name of the game. The idea of making your product more environmentally friendly typically means higher costs for manufacturers and ultimately a higher price for the consumer – or at least, that’s what we’ve always thought. However, this is no longer the case. EcoSynthetix offers environmentally sustainable binder solutions that perform as well – or better – compared to current binder systems – with a lower total system cost.
Differentiate and identify new opportunities for growth
All other things being equal, consumers would prefer to buy a sustainable product. Offer them what they want – a truly differentiated product that’s more sustainable or all natural and reduces the use of harmful chemicals – and see how your business can grow. This is happening today.
In the wood composites market, manufacturers and retailers are offering new furniture and flooring products that stand out in the market because they’re safer, more sustainable and contain no-added-formaldehyde. They’re doing this by using DuraBind binders.
In personal care, our joint development and marketing partner is offering formulators and CP&G manufacturers all-natural base emulsions for the hair fixative and skin care categories.
In tissue, paperboard and pulp markets, manufacturers are using our SurfLock™ strength aids to increase the amount of recycled content or lower cost virgin fiber they can use while maintaining the fibre strength in tissue and packaging production. Increasing recycled content reduces or eliminate the need for virgin fibre making their products more sustainable.
Many traditional industrial chemicals are derived from petroleum, making them vulnerable to fossil fuel price instability. For you, this can create budgetary constraints, increased uncertainty and supply chain challenges. While petroleum-based ingredients are reliant on finite resources, our renewable biochemicals can provide price stability in your operations. Replacing your synthetic polymers, our bio-based ingredients can help stabilize your overall supply chain costs and decrease your unit cost of production.
Our biopolymers exhibit unique properties that enable manufacturers to reduce or eliminate their reliance on other additives, helping you to simplify your supply chain and save money. Wood composite manufacturers can use less release agent by using DuraBind. Paper manufacturers can reduce the amount of non-renewable binders, thickeners and water retention agents in their formulations by using EcoSphere. Second change:
EcoSynthetix products are often shipped in powder form, providing a significant cost reduction over transporting traditional fossil fuel-based binders, which typically ship in liquid form. As a result, they offer longer shelf life and can be stored for months at ambient temperature.
There are real costs associated with the use of binders made from highly regulated chemicals. By switching to bio-based products, you can reduce regulatory supervision for handling compliance, as well as the reporting requirements that are customary when using highly regulated chemicals. What’s more, you can decrease emissions monitoring and concerns over QA testing results.
For Building Materials
Meet no-added formaldehyde (NAF) regulations without sacrificing product or manufacturing performance. Improve your product carbon footprint by up to 32%, without increasing production costs.
For Paper, Paperboard,
Tissue, & Pulp
Lower costs with use of our bio-based binders or strength aids without sacrificing product or manufacturing performance. Improve your product carbon footprint by up to 60%, without increasing production costs.
For Personal Care
An all-natural hair fixative film former enabling exceptional humidity resistance, excellent durability and frizz control in hair styling products. Comparable or better performance and improved carbon footprint of up to 88% to market leading synthetic film former.